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Project on the recognition of traffic signals
Project on the recognition of traffic signals

Project on the recognition of traffic signals

Traffic signs and rules are extremely crucial to observe to avoid any accidents. To observe the guideline, one must first comprehend the appearance of the traffic sign. Before receiving a driver’s license, a person must first study all of the traffic signs. However, automated vehicles are on the rise, and in the not-too-distant future, there will be no human drivers. In the Traffic Signs Recognition project, you’ll discover how software can use a picture as input to recognize the type of traffic sign. The German Traffic Signs Recognition Benchmark dataset (GTSRB) is used to train a Deep Neural Network that can identify the class of a traffic sign. A simple graphical user interface (GUI) to communicate with the application can also be created. Python can be used.

You must have heard about the self-driving cars in which the passenger can fully depend on the car for traveling. But to achieve level 5 autonomous, it is necessary for vehicles to understand and follow all traffic rules.


In the world of Artificial Intelligence and advancement in technologies, many researchers and big companies like Tesla, Uber, Google, Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Ford, Audi, etc are working on autonomous vehicles and self-driving cars. So, for achieving accuracy in this technology, the vehicles should be able to interpret traffic signs and make decisions accordingly.

What is Traffic Signs Recognition?

There are several different types of traffic signs like speed limits, no entry, traffic signals, turn left or right, children crossing, no passing of heavy vehicles, etc. Traffic signs classification is the process of identifying which class a traffic sign belongs to.

Traffic Signs Recognition – About the Python Project

In this Python project example, we will build a deep neural network model that can classify traffic signs present in the image into different categories. With this model, we are able to read and understand traffic signs which are a very important task for all autonomous vehicles.

Project Setup

  • Images are 32 (width) x 32 (height) x 3 (RGB color channels)
  • Training set is composed of 34799 images
  • Validation set is composed of 4410 images
  • Test set is composed of 12630 images
  • There are 43 classes (e.g. Speed Limit 20km/h, No entry, Bumpy road, etc.)

Images And Distribution

Sample of Training Set Images With Labels Above


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