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Gas leakage thief and fire detector system


Price : 5000

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Course Duration
Approx 10

Course Price
₹ 5000

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Ensuring minimum rights and safety of the garment workers has become a burning issue nowadays. The workers of garment factories are facing some labyrinths and broken out of fire is surely one of them. The investors are losing their interest and the prominence of this sector is getting toneless. In this paper, we have propounded a system which is capable to detect fire and can provide the location of the affected region. Raspberry Pi 3 has been used to control multiple Arduino which are integrated with a couple of sensors and camera. A 360’ relay motor is assembled with the camera so that it can snap the image in whatever angle the fire is detected. We have provided a confirmation of the fire suspecting system to avoid any false alarm. The system will immediately send a message along with the image of the affected spot and Arduino location. An admin can confirm or deny the impeachment and if the admin confirms the situation as a breaking out of fire, then the system will immediately raise an alarm and an automatic message will be sent to the nearby fire brigade.


The propounded autonomous system uses Raspberry Pi 3 as main device, Arduino Mega as secondary device and consists of couple of sensors and module which is the Light intensity sensor, Gas sensor, ESP-01 WLAN Sensor Module, Servo motor, Camera module, GSM module and Relay module. The light intensity sensor has a photo-resistor that can detect the intensity of light in the particular place or environment. The output signal of this sensor is analog value. The value of the sensor depends on the brightness of light. Gas sensor can detect the existence of gas in a particular area. The Camera module takes the shot of the limited place and the servo motor rotates the camera module. The ESP-01 WLAN sensor module helps to send data to the Raspberry Pi 3 by wireless communication system. The Relay module is used to activate the alarm and the GSM module helps to notify the master user or the admin. If the light intensity and gas sensor have desire value, then the camera module takes snap of the location and sends it to the Arduino. The camera Module can rotate 360° by using a servo motor. After this condition is true the fire alarm will trigger by the help of the Relay module. Arduino Mega can send this data to the Raspberry Pi by using ESP-01 module. When Raspberry Pi receives the data, then it will send the data to the admin by using GSM module and an admin will check the validity of the warning message of our system and confirm or deny any suspect.


·        MQ-02 sensor

·        LDR (Light dependent resistor)

·        Arduino UNO

·        Raspberry pi

·        LCD display

·        Wi-Fi module

·        Motor driver circuit

·        360’ rotational motor

·        Relay

·        Camera

·        Power supply system

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