Solar railway track crack detecting vehicle
Fabrication of Solar railway track crack detecting vehicle
Price : 15000
Fabrication of Solar railway track crack detecting vehicle
Price : 15000
Fabrication of Solar railway track crack detecting vehicle
The Indian railway has one of the largest railway networks in the World, over 1, 15,000 km in distance. A recent study revealed a Fact that over 25% of the track length is in need of replacement Due to development of cracks on it. Manual detection of tracks is cumbersome and not fully effective. This project is done with Aim towards addressing the issue by developing an automatic Railway track detection system integrating an infrared IR crack Sensing module based on GSM technology by which information about the location of the crack can be conveyed to the central Location enabling immediate attention and intervention of the Maintenance personals. The whole construction of automatic railway track crack detection system consists of various components. It includes GSM module, GPS receiver, arduino board, GPS antenna, IR sensor, Battery and DC motor. The working platform for the whole system is Arduino board. The GSM module is interfaced with arduino through coding or programming. Similarly the GPS receiver is also interfaced with arduino through a specified program. The GPS i.e the global positioning system here plays a major role in the whole system, this is used to determine or to lock the exact location of the crack where the crack is being detected. The longitude and latitude of the exact crack location is determined through GPS antenna. The GSM Module also plays a vital role in the whole system. It is used to pass the message to the nearby station or maintenance center.