Robot Controlled Vacuum Cleaner
Robot Controlled Vacuum Cleaner
Price : 16000
Robot Controlled Vacuum Cleaner
Price : 16000
Robot Controlled Vacuum Cleaner
In the current hectic schedule, cleaning houses and surrounding environment is more arduous. At present, there are vacuum cleaners which require humans to handle it. Thus, there is a dire need to implement vacuum cleaner which works without human intervention. An efficient method to clean the desired area has been implemented through this project. By using this vacuum cleaner, hazardous places can be cleaned which thereby reduce risks to mankind. This is achieved by implementing an autonomous system. Here, RC car which is embedded with a vacuum cleaner is used. This system has an ultrasonic sensor attached to it, that helps in avoiding large obstacles such as tables, chairs, walls etc. By measuring the distance via this sensor, the car takes the direction where the distance between obstacle and car is more, hence avoiding the collision with the obstacles. The vacuum cleaner is designed with a CPU fan and a pipe is attached to the mouth of the bottle. The entire system is run by batteries.