Remote controlled tilting handicapped wheel chair
Remote controlled tilting handicapped wheel chair
Price : 15000
Remote controlled tilting handicapped wheel chair
Price : 15000
Remote controlled tilting handicapped wheel chair
Traditional Wheelchairs though have certain limitations with the flexibility, heavy weight of the chair andlimited functions. Tremendous developments have been made in the field of wheelchair technology. Be that as it may, even these noteworthy advancements couldn't help the quadriplegics to explore wheelchair freely.Medical gadgets intended to support the Paraplegic and Quadriplegic patients are exceptionally muddled, once in a while accessible and costly. We go for planning a straightforward financially effective programmed wheelchair utilizing MEMS technology for quadriplegics with head and neck versatility. The control system interprets the situation of the user's head into speed and directional control of the wheelchair. The system is divided into two main units: MEMS Sensor and programmed Arduino Micro Controller. The MEMS sensor senses the change in direction of head and likewise the signal is given to microcontroller. Depending on the direction of the Acceleration, microcontroller controls the wheel chair directions like LEFT, RIGHT, FRONT, and BACK with the aid of DC motors. In addionaly we have introduced ultrasonic sensor, vibration sensor, heartbeat sensor.