Design and Realization of the Accelerometer
An accident is a deviation from expected behavior of event that adversely affects the property, living body or persons and the environment.
Price : 14000

An accident is a deviation from expected behavior of event that adversely affects the property, living body or persons and the environment.
Price : 14000
Vehicle accident is a very big problem for India and other countries too. This Transportation system aims at providing help to the injured in road accident as fast as possible, thereby this system can increase the chances of the survival accident victim. For an accident victim it is very difficult to alert the police control room or the family members about an accident. The main motive behind this project is to help the accident victims by providing them instant help by SOS services. By using this system, the number of deaths can be reduced. This transportation system is the cost effective system, which could be very helpful to the every-one.
Road accident records in India say that 16 % of the world’s road accident deaths happen in India only, while India has only 1 % of the world’s road vehicles. In Mumbai’s 26/11 bomb blast 195 people killed, but if we checked about the death victim in road accident in India, then we find that 250 people die in road accidents in India every day. If we discuss the data, then Mumbai’s 26/11 type of bomb blast happens each and every day in India. Now, it is a big question to every buddy that which one is a big killer, Road accident or Mumbai’s 26/11 bomb blast. Other countries are also facing these type of problems. Some statistics shows that the main cause of death of the peoples in road accident is the delay in providing emergency services. Having known about such type of statistics, it was thought off to make a detection system which is able to give the information or alert about the accident occurred to police control room or family member of the accident victim. This vehicle detection and alert system may help the human by saving the life of accident victims.
Various enquiry reports of rod accidents were studied and it was clear that the major reason for road accident death was the delay in providing help to the accident victims. The Accelerometer based transportation system proposed would inform the police control room or accident victim’s family members about the accident instantaneously, so that help to the injured in road accident could be delivered as soon as possible. The medical emergency care unit would dispatch to the accident location without any delay, thereby we can increase the victim’s survival chances.
The flow chart of the ATS. When the vehicle detects abrupt change in the g-forces with the help of accelerometer sensor, which set the flag bit of microcontroller 89c51 as soon as accident is detected. We set the effective sensitive value for accelerometer sensor, in which accident or crash can be detected. When microcontroller detects the accident or set bit through accelerometer sensor, it further give the display in LCD that accident had occurred and indicate the accident through LED. Simultaneously Microcontroller activates the GSM module, which have a manually saved phone number of police control room or family member of accident victim, sends a pre stored SMS to that number. This system is called as Automatic Emergency calling system. We also have an alarm system in the location, which activates when crash is detected and sounds through the buzzer.