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From the recent years, robotics has turned out to be a ingredient over which many people had shown their interest.

Price : 12000

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Course Duration
Approx 12

Course Price
₹ 12000

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From the recent years, robotics has turned out to be a ingredient over which many people had shown their interest. Robotics has gained popularity due to the advancement of many technologies of computing and nanotechnologies. So, I have decided to design something that can make humans life easier and comfortable. Here my interest of review is to make a fully automated fire fighting robot which can help in dealing with many fire problems in households and small scale industries. Now I am not concentrating on making a fire fighting robot that can deal with fire on large scale because I want to proceed by step by step. The need of the hour is to make a device which can detect fire, even if it is small and take the necessary action to put it off. Many household items catch fire when someone is either sleeping or away and that lead to many hazardous conditions if the fire is not putted off in time. So, my work as an electronics and computer engineer is to design and build a system that can automatically detect and extinguish fire. I have used very basic concept here, easy to understand from the prospective of beginners or for the masters of this field. 

This advanced firefighting robotic system independently detects and extinguishes fire. In the age of technology, the world is slowly turning towards the automated system and self-travelling vehicles, fire fighters are constantly at a risk of losing their life. Fire spreads rapidly if it is not controlled. In case of a gas leakage there even may be an explosion. So, in order to overcome this issue, safe guard live of our hero, our system comes to the rescue. This firefighting robotic system is powered by Arduino Uno development board it consists of the HC-SR04 ultra-sonic sensor mounted on a servo motor for obstacles detection and free path navigation, it is also equipped with the fire flame sensor for detecting and approaching fire it also makes use of water tank and spray mechanism for extinguishing the fire. Water spraying nozzle is mounted on servo motor to cover maximum area. Water is pumped from the main water tank to the water nozzle with the help of water pump.


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