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IOT based pollution monitoring system


Price : 12000

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Course Duration
Approx 10

Course Price
₹ 12000

Course Level

Course Content


To Design and develop a low cost real-time monitoring, alert to workers, notified data of polluted area has been checked for the immediate surroundings. A various parameter such as Air Quality, Temperature & Humidity, and Sound intensity sensors with Arduino controller which collects and upload data into the cloud using ESP8266 Wi-Fi module. Then transmit to the cloud platform using MQTT protocol to perform Digital Dashboard on Smartphone checks anomaly notification and alert to the user through an app. If the industry doesn’t take any step to reduce the pollution within a certain period, the pollution control board will shut down the industrial electricity power until they pay a penalty amount of polluting the city according to the government rules and regulation.




·        This prototype introduces us how we can improve our safety in the area by checking and monitoring noise and air pollution.

·        Noise sensor detects the noise above the cutoff or not effective it will indicate if noise rises above the normal range by signaling through the buzzer.

·        There are 3 sensors to detect different gas components in the air they are given in components description below to detect rise of any particular gas in the environment.

·        We can monitor it wirelessly through Blynk.


·        NodeMcu

·         Mq3

·        Mq135

·        DHT11

·        Mq5

·        4-channel Relay Board


·        Pressure Sensor


By having smart module which can automatically detects poisonous gases and bad noises and taking precaution and reducing the destruction can save human life and also other worst conditions

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