Automatic Temperature Detection for Entrance
Automatic Temperature Detection for Entrance - Covid Safety
Price : 8000

Automatic Temperature Detection for Entrance - Covid Safety
Price : 8000
COVID 19 has made a huge impact on the society; the new restriction has been imposed as in the number of users allowed in a particular room in offices, shops, etc. to maintain social distancing, along with social distancing regular temperature check at entrances of malls, the office is mandatory. In this project we stimulate a room where such necessary precautions are taken, we make use of a Temperature sensor to detect the entrance of a person, when the project detect entrance it will check the temperature of the person if the temperature is less than the set temperature the person is allowed entry otherwise the entry is denied. Only a pre-determined number of people are allowed in the room. The allowed temperature, the number of people allowed in the room as well as the number of people actively present in the room can be set/viewed using a Bluetooth App.
1. Arduino Controller
2. Temperature Sensor
3. IR Sensor
4. LCD Display
5. Driver Circuit
6. DC Motor
7. Bluetooth (HC-05)
8. Jumper Cables
The proposed solution is designed to be cost efficient and easy to use for fever screening, through the use of a well known MLX90614 infrared temperature sensor, an IR distance sensor and a led that offers fast feedback to the user. The measurement system is suitable for installation in an indoor fixed position, like the entrance to an open space floor of an office building. Calibration was performed on the sensors and the fever threshold used in the algorithm was set to 36 C, according to the findings of several different studies. A series of measurements were done and the performance of the system was compared to the one of a widely used in-ear thermometer. Measurements show that the IR temperature measurement system achieved expected results in 90.47% of the cases. Although additional calibrations were done, the precision of the IR sensor used is still +/- 0.5 o C, so a nice future improvement would be the usage of a medical degree version (+/- 0.2 o C), which couldn’t be obtained in the context of the global pandemic.