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Disease detection in cattle’s using image processing


Price : 10000

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Course Duration
Approx 10

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₹ 10000

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Developing countries like India, Bangladesh, Nepal and many more has dairy farming as one of the prior ways of occupation. Dairy farm automation plays a crucial role in the increase of productivity in dairy production. Cattle animals are susceptible to much disease some of which can lower the productivity and lower the quality of dairy products and if not detected at an early stage can even lead to death of the cattle. Diseases have influence on the farm production, therefore ends up in low production, low income and low quality. Highly contagious ethereal mammal diseases like Lameness, Ketosis, Milk Fever, Retained Placenta, Diarrhea, Pneumonia, oestrus, Retained Placenta cause irreparable economic losses to the farming community. We proposed a system using sensors, microcontroller, image processing and machine learning to detect cattle diseases in cattle which helps to provide medical facilities in place with scarce in medical facilities for farm animals.


Health issues in cattle is one of the important factor which have a direct implication over the quality and production efficiency of farm production .Farm animals are prone to many pulmonary, infections, gastrointestinal diseases .Some of the diseases like mastitis can even lead to death of the cattle. The demand for the poultry is rising and with agriculture sector being the occupation of more than 40% in many developing nations use and growth of technology in daily practices for farm production should be a major concern. Most of the dairy farmers of the developing countries are not moneyed enough to have regular diagnosis of their cattle which can detect disease at an early stage and the medical infrastructure is not available at many places .Many farmers from villages have to take their cattle to very far distance for getting to a medical facility. An early diagnosis with an automated system which would record all the vital monitoring information related to cattle which would be helpful in speeding up the healing process and can avoid the deaths due to unavailability or lack of veterinary specialist at the locality .Speaking of India which is having a huge cattle population is deprived of doctors in the rural sectors. A system is needed for spreading awareness in villages regarding the prevention of these cattle diseases which would lead to reduction in dependency of medical expertise and would also reduce the expenditure of transportation of livestock in big cities or towns during a medical condition. System presented here deals with an approach of having a hardware containing within a large database which include symptoms and data of commonly occurring health care problems and can report and monitor the health condition. This can be accomplished with the help of machine learning algorithms which identifies the scenario and provides a pre diagnosis of the problem with the data collected from sensors which is matched from the internal database. The system provides early detection of the disease which can prevent delays in identifying diseases .System which further performs an intelligent analysis from the sensor data of a hardware device and detect whether the cattle is Suffering from a disease or not .The system performs the calculations using various sensors like temperature, pressure accelerometers. The mechanism involves both an image and sensor data acquisition from the hardware for monitoring. The process exploits the intelligent analysis mechanism feature of machine learning to produce results from the acquired data. This application becomes a first aid mechanism which analyses the symptoms to give you results on the bases of computation of data with the algorithms made for identification of cattle diseases. Our proposed system mainly includes sensors, microcontroller, image processing and machine learning to detect cattle diseases in cattle which helps to provide medical facilities in place with scarce in medical facilities for farm animals.







A. Hardware Requirements:

·        ESP 8266 Microcontroller

·        Temperature Sensor (DHT11)

·        Sound Sensor

·        PC / Laptop

·        Heart Beat Sensor/Pulse sensor

·        IR Sensor

·        Accelerometer(ADXL335)

B. Software Requirements:

v Embedded C

v Arduino IDE

v Python  IDE

v Blynk



Dairy farm automation plays a crucial role in the increase of productivity in dairy production. Diseases have influence on the farm production, therefore ends up in low production, low income and low quality. Highly contagious ethereal mammal diseases like Lameness, Ketosis, Milk Fever, Retained Placenta, Diarrhea, Pneumonia, oestrus, Retained Placenta cause irreparable economic losses to the farming community. We proposed a system using sensors, microcontroller, image processing and machine learning to detect cattle diseases in cattle which helps to provide medical facilities in place with scarce in medical facilities for farm animals. This application becomes a first aid mechanism which analyses the symptoms to give you results on the bases of computation of data with the algorithms made for identification of cattle diseases. Our proposed system mainly includes sensors, microcontroller, image processing and machine learning to detect cattle diseases in cattle which helps to provide medical facilities in place with scarce in medical facilities for farm animals.

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